In realizing this mission, we recognize that, while a student’s academic performance is always central, the building of responsibility, respect for others, and self-esteem, so vital for success in adulthood, comes equally from participation in the many other areas of school life. Added to this, we seek to develop in our students an appreciation of how to embrace change through maturity of outlook, breadth of thought, and consideration of action, when faced with the demands of an ever-changing world.
Parents can apply for help with home-to-school transport. After parents have filled in the application, they will receive an assessment that shows if their child/children are able to get help with home-to-school transport.
School activities have always been affected by the weather, whether it’s rain on sports day , or a planned field trip, there’s not really all that much that we can do about it. We can, however, make sure that the activities inside the classroom aren’t affected much by the weather and provide a comfortable, safe and productive environment for the children and adults working within.
The learning environment is just as important as learning, just like technology and other projects, they have taken priority in schools, especially in terms of funding. Physical comfort during the warmer weeks of the school year is vital. A good working environment will have an effect on pupil performance, most will have faced working during heat months and how it can be distracting. Air conditioning offers a better way to ensure that both teaching staff and students are comfortable in their learning environment.
Our lab is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed.
State-of-the-art new facilities, including a new library and skills lab.
The new library provides IT resources, group study rooms, and silent study rooms.